21 Funny Blockbuster Must See Movie Marquee Fails

Ya think theater owners just wait for a bunch of movies like these to come out all at once?

Jumbo Size Your Popcorn: It’s Inappropriate Move Marquees


1. Overwhelmingly giant robot porn? What? Where have I been?
Funny Movie Marquee Fails~ IMAX Transformers Sex Tapes
2. A movie where they still aren’t sure of the climax.
Funny Movie Marquee Fails~ There will Definitely Be Blood Maybe
3. Oh, my. What is this world coming to? I’m sure this didn’t play in Kentucky.
Funny Movie Marquee Fails~ Dogs and Cats Living Together
4. It’s aways the other guys.
Funny Movie Marquee Fails~ Vampires Suck the Other Guy
5. You don’t have to tell me twice.
Funny Movie Marquee Fails~ Just Go With It Sucker Punch Justin Bieber
6. Gotta catch ’em all!
7. Why Paul Hogan’s co-star wife divorced him.
Funny Movie Marquee Fails~ Spy Kids Blow Crocodile Dundee
8. Spoiler alert!
Funny Movie Marquee Fails~ Seven Showgirls To Die For Halloween
9. Aw, Nancy! Really? A creepy old married guy?
Mr. Brooks Knocked Up Nancy Drew
10. Damn, Nancy, you get around!
Funny Movie Marquee Fails~ Fantastic 4 Knocked Up Nancy Drew
11. There must be something in the water.

Pirates Knocked Up Shrek, funny store signs, fun advertisements, ads, worst ever, bad, misspelled, wrong, fail, stupid, wtf, bad product names, funny names, funny people, wrong place wrong time,

12. Geez, hasn’t anyone ever heard of a condom?

Harry Potter Knocked Up Evan Almight Funny Movie Marquee Fails~

13. Wow. Hollywood is one dirty, f ‘ed-up place.

Funny Movie Marquee Fails~ Ellen Brockovich Screwed My Dog Skip

14. Great. Thanks for ruining it for me.
Funny Movie Marquee Fails~ Lincoln Bullet To The Head
15. Whoever thought you could top the holocaust?
Funny Movie Marquee Fails~ Inglorious Basterd Better Than the Holocaust
16. This just makes me chuckle like a 3rd grader.
Funny Movie Marquee Fails~
17. The next one promises to be better.
18. Another lover of Nancy Drew?
Funny Movie Marquee Fails~ Funny Movie Marquee Fails~
19. Originally titled “Brontosaurus Boner.”
Funny Movie Marquee Fails~ Dinosaur Shaft
20. A busy night for the Croc.
Funny Movie Marquee Fails~ Blow the Mexican Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles
21. Not a lot of Happy Feet there.
Funny Movie Marquee Fails~ 40 Year Old Virgin Penguins
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