Awkward Funny Family Photos
Take a gander at this crazy new collection of weird and funny family photos plucked straight from family picture albums around the world. From retro and vintage snaps to awkward school yearbook pics to, hell, these strange chums who just might be your neighbors, these awkward family photos will make you glad your mom hasn’t submitted any of your goofy pics to us to post!
Even on picture day, Kevin just couldn’t even.
Shit’s about to get real for the Swells Street Neighborhood Watch.
For Grandma Eunice, it was “Protect the Pin” at all cost.
After a long, hard day on the back 40, Cody loved nothing more than a nice warm bottle.
“Hello… Operator?… What’s the number for 911?…
Welcome to Happy, Happy Poopland.
Jenny, just hoping that someone will love her tender.
Tammy, one spark away from a disaster of Hindenburg proportions.
Aunt Helga, preparing to prove how many bottles of vodka it takes to people a table full of crawdads.
ven if he had to stay up all night, Lester was finally going to catch those “no good Connolly boys” riding their bikes on his lawn.
The Happiest Place on Earth, two sizes too small.
Shredding with Ethel and Phyllis Jean.
Looks like somebody’s lactose intolerant.
When you’re hunting for Grandmas in Boca Raton, always wear the proper cammo.
Little Henry, bound and determined to get that damn dog who stole his blanket.
This Sunday at the Yoder’s barn raising, kick back to the smooth Amish sounds of Tami & Clyde.
Fraternal twins Pat & Pat.
Little Jackson, part of the Tyler family for just two weeks and already having regrets.
As Darren will attest, mighty thunderous things come in small packages.
Another typical Tuesday night in Ottawa, eh.
Little Mickey Gentry, checking to see if the Force is still present.
Sadly, they never let poor Larry join in any birthday games.
Give Leona a couple of Jäger bombs, and like clockwork, her clam pops out.
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I found an advertisement displayed on your site, showing a weight loss activity. It said that you could loose 21 pounds by the 21TH day…with a th, not a st. *sigh*
I can send a screenshot, maybe you can feature it in one of your fail collections?
Ha! That’s hilarious! And I can’t believe that ya took a screenshot. Sure, send it along. I’ll surely use it, Skye!