35 Funny Pics: Strangely Humorous Awesomely Weird

Your new dump of crazy funny pictures of surreal bombastic humor for the lovers of vintage oddities, comically twisted coolness & inspirational wisdom from the mentally deranged.

Random Funny Pics & Memes to Laughify Your Nutty Day

Inspirational words: Press To Reset The World button on street post


Classic painting with maidens and R2D2


Ripped tatted man lifting weights


CNN Breaking News: NASA Finds Garlic Bread on Mars


Night Camera catches flying squirrel chasing deer


Funny Pictures: squirrel dressed as hot dog riding on back of goat


Funny Pictures: Vintage butcher with Toledo "10" meat slicer slicing brains


Funny Pictures: Man pushing jumping dolphin back into the water: Not Today Sea Penis


Funny Pictures: face swap: Skully & Mulder: Xfiles


Incredible tiny drawing of lion head on leaf


Inspirational words: I don't watch soccer. If I wanted to spend 90 minutes watching people struggling to score, I'd take my friends to the bar


Vintage color snap of bikini model n Evel Knievel's motorcycle


Funny Pictures: Perfectly timed: Sticker of Poodle standing on hind legs humping woman from behind


Funny Pictures: Giraffes in trees: Why I don't trim my pubes


Vintage snap of family in funny martian costumes standing next to road, "Welcome to Mars"


Awesome lizard dragon exhaust pipe n vintage hot rod


Funny Pictures: Machete Chicken


Ca Cosplay: Cat dressed as Spock from Star Trek


Funny Pictures: Box labeled "Bad Memories. Do Not Open."


Funny Pictures: Museum: Biblical history is key to understanding dinosaurs


Funny Pictures: Vintage comic book frame: Best part of breaking up with someone is finally getting to tell them their dog's name is fucking stupid


Funny Pictures: vintage snap of man dressed as alien robot smoking cigarette


Funny Pictures: Illustration: Rain storm rain on only one house


Funny Pictures: Man with awesome mohawk made from doll heads


Funny Pictures: Smiling pig looking out of car backseat window


Funny text messages from Sean from Wexford- I enjoy socializing and fetish for girls who don't reply, oh yeah that's hot!


Funny Pictures: Woman in Pizza Slut shirt


Funny Pictures: Vintage book cover: achieve ye the holy ghost instantly!


Funny Pictures: redneck vehicles: hot rod postal truck


Funny Pictures: School buses underwater: Morning commute to submarine school


Funny Pictures: Street warning sign, people on phones texting


Funny Pictures: illustrated poster: Waffles are just pancakes with abs


Funny Pictures: vintage 1980s magazine ad, couple working out


Funny Pictures: You suck at parking business card


Funny Pictures: woman dressed at easter bunny flipping off camera

sources: team jimmy joe, u funk, bananas

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