There Are 2 Kinds of People ~ Which Are You?

As the funny and intriguing Tumblr blog 2 Kinds of People demonstrates, there are two ways of doing things– your way and my way. Right or wrong, left or right, these 35 illustrations from everyday life depict things we can all relate to. Yep, there definitely are two kinds of people in this world.

Which of These 2 Kinds of People Are You?

2-kinds-people-toilet-paper2-kinds-people-umbrellas 2-kinds-people-water 2-kinds-people-watermelon 2-kinds-people-windows 2-kinds-people-alarms 2-kinds-people-bluetooth 2-kinds-people-bookmarks 2-kinds-people-burger-spread 2-kinds-people-desktop 2-kinds-people-disc-eject 2-kinds-people-driving 2-kinds-people-folders 2-kinds-people-game-thrones-tv-laptop 2-kinds-people-game-thrones-youtube 2-kinds-people-gas 2-kinds-people-headphones 2-kinds-people-helmets 2-kinds-people-hours 2-kinds-people-instagram-hashtag 2-kinds-people-ketchup 2-kinds-people-lightbulbs 2-kinds-people-messages 2-kinds-people-parking 2-kinds-people-photos 2-kinds-people-pictures 2-kinds-people-pills 2-kinds-people-pizza 2-kinds-people-plants 2-kinds-people-presents-wrapping 2-kinds-people-sandwich-cut 2-kinds-people-selfies 2-kinds-people-sudoku- 2-kinds-people-sunscreen 2-kinds-people-time

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