16 Funny Tweets About Marriage That Nail The Married Life

Hilarious Tweets That Perfectly Sum Up Marriage

Ah, the married life! You know you have comfortably settled into marriage when you can randomly tweet about its hilarious truths. But that is what makes married life with your husband or wife so special. These spouses perfectly sum it up in 140 characters or less with these totally relatable funny tweets.

1.) hilarious tweets about married life that sum up marriage


2.)hilarious tweets about married life that sum up marriage


3.) hilarious tweets about married life that sum up marriage


4.) hilarious tweets about married life that sum up marriage


5.) hilarious tweets about married life that sum up marriage


6.) hilarious tweets about married life that sum up marriage


7.) hilarious tweets about married life that sum up marriage


8.) hilarious tweets about married life that sum up marriage


9.) hilarious tweets about married life that sum up marriage


10.) hilarious funny tweets about married life that sum up marriage


11.) hilarious tweets about married life that sum up marriage


12.) hilarious tweets about married life that sum up marriage


13.) hilarious tweets about married life that sum up marriage


14.) hilarious tweets about married life that sum up marriage


15.) hilarious funny tweets about married life that sum up marriage


16.) hilarious funny tweets about married life that sum up marriage

source: Bored Panda

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