Slay Your Poo-Stink with the Golden Fart of a Mystic Unicorn
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome back the Mystic Unicorn of Squatty Potty! This time, our infamous poop Equus in this new commercial from the ad geniuses known as the Harmon Brothers isn’t bestowing us with a handy stool for proper pooping position. Au contraire! The wise and mischievous Mystic Unicorn now brings us “Unicorn Gold”, a magical spray designed to eliminate your rancid poop stink on the spot! Beautiful? Yes! Like a Monet masterpiece, if Monet was a magic farting horse. But he’s not. But if he was, he’d be Unicorn Gold. And it’s guaranteed! So, c’mon everyone! Poop like a rainbow!
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