Seriously? Life and work are not that hard, well, unless you’re terminally lazy, easily distracted, or just want vengeance on the job.. But then again… C’mon! You failed so hard it’s ridiculous!
27 You Had One Job Fails.
1.) Meh… The kid’s too young to notice.
2.) “Phone Home, E2-B2!”
3.) Directions to Australia, I prusume.
4.) Elevator buttons for the googly-eyed.
5.) Didn’t notice until I posted, but the “Dora’s Bedtime Wishes” copy makes it!
6.) “Hey…” said the disappointing son of the builder, “Here’s a great place to put a door.”
7.) This is EXACTLY why I have cases of this in my doomsday shelter.
8.) So what’s the ig deal. You got it open, didn’t you?
9.) ANd now the appliance that refused to work…
10.) Works every time 😉
11.) Uhm… there is no “s” on Olympic.
12.) These should work…
13.) Hot dog! We’re having hamburgers on hot dog hamburger buns!
14.) The website for those who like to roll their new car immediately after purchase.
15.) What can you expect? They’re made in China. They only use chopsticks.
16.) University of Michigan fans have a point when they criticise the intelligence of their Ohio State rivals.
17.) Proof trust only goes so far.
18.) I’m so confused… Is this like a “Confucious” thing?”
19.) I just want to know what the “S” on his belt stands for.
20.) Now from the You Can’t Fool Me Department…
21.) Maybe you could just switch the signs?
22.) Presenting “Hoops on Ice”…
23.) If you must…
24.) Hey, I think they spelled “Slay” wrong.
25.) Even if he knew how to spell “Ampersand” correctly, he’d still be wrong.
26.) What to expect when you enter Hell in the middle of the night for an hour or two.
27.) When the sign guy thinks that there are 27 hours in a day…
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Best by 181016.
The year is 181016. The Earth is a barren wasteland. Almost all of human life has been evacuated on massive transport ships into outer space. Any survivors still waiting to be picked up are having trouble finding food. Hope is dying fast. The last gallon of milk (or whatever that was) has expired.
hahahaha ???
Awesome !