It is not unusual to find a celebrity that acts like a big baby. But it’s not often that you find a baby that looks just like a celebrity! Check out these great baby photos below and see for yourself! These hilarious babies are dear dead ringers for the likes of famous stars.
Amazing Baby & Celebrity Look Alikes!
Wow, this baby looks like Gordon Ramsay! Let’s just hope he doesn’t hurl insults and F-bombs like him, too!
This adorable 2-yer-old girl must be “Thinking Out Loud” just how much she looks like Ed Sheeran.
The precise movement that this little Jay Z look alike realized that Beyonce is not his mother.
And get a load of this little guy who thinks he’s part of the royal bloodline as little Prince George’s identical twin.
“Unfathomable!” how much this baby looks like Wallace Shawn from the movie The Princess Bride.
This little guy aces his Tiger Woods look.
This baby swears he has no ties to Vladimir Putin except for being his doppelgänger.
“Helloooooo!” I doubt that there’s anything cuter than a little girl that looks like a crossdressing old dude posing as a nanny.
Coming soon: Lord of the Teething Rings starring this baby Gandalf look alike.
A Surefire baby double for John Legend.
Guess it’s better than looking like, say, the Pillsbury Doughboy or the Michelin Man.
Meet Usher’s baby twin.
This baby look alike of Robin Williams also has a touch of De Niro in him, too.
Here’s a baby Bourne with the Identity of Matt Damon.
A baby Chris Farley Tommy Boy! “Fat baby in a little jacket!”
It’s not politically incorrect say this baby looks like Bill Maher in real time.
A baby Goonie look alike of Corey Feldman.
“What, me worry?”, says the mom of this Alfred E. Newman look alike.
Don’t know if this baby is a boy or girl, Either way,looking like a young Buddy Hackett may not be a blessing.
Between Me & You, this Thug Lovin’ baby Ja Rule double is Livin’ It Up.
Yikes! That there little fella is a spot-on Kevin from The Office.
LOL! This here baby even has the same hairline as Danny Devito!
Baby Elvis has left the building.
sources: Bored Panda, eBaum’s World
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