33 Funny Memes & Pics ~ Justifiably Crazy & Weird

Get your goofball on. It’s time to flex your smile muscles.

Nutty Funny Memes, Random Pics & Comical Chuckles

Floating Dog and Butterfy... Most beautiful Picture Ever... Or At Least Today... Except Not For The Butterfly Who Was Soon Eaten


Always remember this inspirational quote.


Recharging the cat


When Sponge Bob comes to terms with his career choices... best graffiti


Oh, what teachers put up with... classic elementary school homework blunder


Only in Russia


Great inspirational words of wisdom. Yes, the important things in life.


Classic George Bush photobomb


Where’s Morgan Freeman when you need him?
Great, funny tweet ~!~ narrating sex


Krazy Kangaroo photobomb


Truth can hurt... Classic restroom sign


1970s mens & women fashion fail


Where were these pizza gumball machines when I was a kid?
Where were these Pizza Gumboil Machines when I was a kid?


When there’s a problem, there’s always a Redneck Solution.
For every problem there's a Redneck Solution


Gosh, I could only dream of having folding doors.


Date night in Manila.
Date Night in Manila...


Will the real Slim Shady please stand up…
Will the real Slim Shady please...


Now that's what you call marketing


Great Inspirational Quotes


Hello, Captain.
Hello, Captain.


That's just freaky!


LOL! Mud bath royale.


Sex, Lies, and Video Tapes. The Early Edition.
Sex, Lies, and Video Tapes... The Early Edition


This is just an awesome picture!
This is just an awesome dog - cat pic!


Boys will be boys, fidgety or not. ~ 33 Funny Memes and Pics


How I feel most ever day.
How I feel most days of the week.


Like father like son.
This ain't quite like how my sister played with her Ken dolls.


Don’t think I want my daughter, or my wife… or me on this here see-saw!
I'm note quite sure I'd want my daughter taking a ride on that see-saw


The Ever Seductive Smile of Burt Reynolds.
That contagious Burt Reynold's smile...


Tattooed Grandma: Love this!
Awesome grandma tattoo


These hoofs are made for walkin’…
These hoofs are made for walkin'...


Who needs flying cars any ways?... ... 33 funny pics & memes


Vintage bad postcard, marching band playing musical instruments with their butt... just like I do.

sources: Pleated Jeans, Banana, Team Jimmy Joe, et al

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