33 Best Funny Memes & Pics to Weird Up Your Day

Inspirationally crazy. Comically wacky. Seriously stupid. Curiously strange. Overall weird.

Funny Memes & Pics~ Both Wacky & Bewildering


Vintage ad ~ early 1980s cell phone with bare chested mad vintage


An omen for an approaching Sharnado?

weird cloud shark ... the the eminent warning sign of a coming Sharknado perhaps?


See. I told ya.Inspirational words of wisdom ~ Condoms are not safe


His and hers tattoo tribute to the movie Pulp Fiction.

cool matching forearm tattoos, John Travolta and Uma Thurman dancing, his and hers


It’s a tough life when you have to be “on” every minute of the day.

Funny meme Awkward moment at the zoo, drunk polar bears


donald trump man child twin midgets



Fried Eggs ... Cool black dog with white patches around eyes.



Crazy beautiful white cat with with black patches around the eyes


I can completely relate.

I can relate. Pet alert sticker in window to warn fire fighters.


How to improve your half court game.

Only in Russia ... basketball hoops


All Coleslaw. All the Time.

Funny Signs ~ Aisle 5 ~ All Coleslaw. All the Time.


Feel the vibration!
Vintage Yamaha Motorcyle Ad ~ 1970s~ Meet the Exciters


Why I don’t ride public transportation.

Why I don't ride public transportation ~ asleep o bus


Oh, you little devil!

Great sarcastic comebacks. Bathroom graffiti. Jesus loves you. But Satan does that thing with his tongue.


Vintage ad ~ New Philco's Binocular TV


Guilty as charged.

"What? It wasn't me." guilty looking dog after eating credit card. Dog shaming.


Great Sand Sculptures ~ Elephant Head & Emperors.

Taking a bath with pickles. That can be incredibly satisfhying.


Morning reboot.

Time to reboot my need to ride public transportation. Woman on subway with computer monitor head.


Inspirational words of wisdom. The light at the end of the tunnel is a train.



Pug Duck.
Pug Duck... Funny animal mash up


For those who love to sing in the shower.

Classic vintage microphone shower head


Oral floatation.

Inflatable lips and mouth raft. Oral pool floatation. Take me away!


How to Roll a Joint. Vintage Magazine Cover 1970s. Vintage ads.


That car is one awesome prowler.

Coolest car ever? ... Cat Car.


I think I relive this every day.

Deja Poo. I feel it all the time. Funny memes.


Classic Bird Canopy Bed


Blue woman statue mailbox


Sadly, I find something quite alien about every public restroom

funny bathroom sign mens women aliens


Don’t go chasing waterfalls…

The Water Fall... an awesome bald man mullet ... funny pics


Now that’s summer!Now that's summer! ice cream waffle cones amazing big


Sources: Banana, Ebaums World, et al

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