Protest Trolls ~ Funny Signs to Make Ya Think or Laugh

“What do we want???”… “TROLLS!”… When do we want them?”… “NOW!” Take a gander at this pic dump of funny protest signs from trolling protesters at rallies around the good ol’U.S.A.! From expressing hilarious outrage in Washington D.C. to harassing those crazy kids from Westboro Baptist Church, these sarcastic comebacks not only hit the mark, they actually make you stop and think.

Hilarious Protest Tolls Protesting the Protesters at Protests


1.)  The perfect protest sign to start with. You can just feel the outrage.

Feel the rage! ~ funny signs, protest trolls, so angry I made a sign


2.)  Well, that settles that.

Return to Jesus! ~ funny signs, protest trolls, homosexuality is a sin, burn, westboro baptist church


3.)  Looks like we might need to get the Sorting Cone involved.

I think we need to get the Sorting Cone involved ~ funny signs, protest trolls, Hogwarts


4.)  A simple case of stating the obvious.

Obviously! ~ ~ funny signs, protest trolls, pro choice rally, he is single


5.)  Protests in Canada.
We can see it all over your face! ~ funny signs, protest trolls, woman I am a little upset


6.). It appears someone was lied to.

That's why I came ~ funny signs, protest trolls, I was told there would be cake


7.)  So sad. I thought Dog loves everyone.
Now! Dog loves everyone!! ~ funny signs, protest trolls, dog hates cats, westboro baptist church


8.)  No pain. No gain.
Then put it on a stick... ~ funny signs, protest trolls, arms are tired


9.) What’s an eight letter word for, “Why can’t we all just get along?”
I'm game! ~ funny signs, protest trolls, anyone for scrabble


10.)  Sound advice.
Good advice! ~ funny signs, protest trolls, don't be a douche


11.)  It’s why we need a wall, a great big, beautiful wall, built around the wedding alter.
So true! ~ funny signs, protest trolls, two thirds of Tump's wives are immigrants doing a job most Americans wouldn't do


12.)  One can only dream…
You gotta believe! ~ protest trolls, funny signs


13.)  He may be onto something great!
Now!! ~ funny signs, protest trolls, legalize gay marijuana


14.)  I think someone’s been dipping into that gay marijuana if you catch my drift.
Never! ~ funny signs, protest trolls,


15.)  He’s just speaking up all his brothers and sisters.
Someone always has to ruin it for everyone else ~ funny signs, protest trolls, people behind can't see


16.)  Of course, he is.
I'm sure he is ~ funny signs, protest trolls, pro choice rally, babies murdered here, woman's rights expert


17.)  And while you’re at it, lay off the Transformers movies, too
Please!!! ~ ~ funny signs, protest trolls, stop making fast & furious movies


18.)  FInger lickin’ good.
Finger licking' good! ~ peta rally, kfc tortures chickens, man with bucket


19.)  Great question!
Well said! ~ funny signs, protest trolls, if God hates gays why are we so cute


20.)  It was cheaper than the brand name protest signs.
I hear what you're saying... ~ funny signs, protest trolls, generic angry sign


21.)  Sometimes the answers are staring you right in the face.
Do you hear me now? ~ funny signs, protest trolls, take back the night, hey rapists stop raping


22.)  Do fries come with that?
Do fries come with that? ~ funny signs, protest trolls, islamic writing, relax, it says McDonald's


23.)  “…and his hair was perfect…EH!
And he does! ~ funny signs, protest trolls, #notmypresident, trump we shall overcome


24.)  Excellent job, trolls!  A Westboro shit sandwich!
So gay! ~ protest trolls, funny signs, westboro baptist church


25.)  Oh, snap! Burn!
Burn! ~ funny signs, protest trolls, immigrant came to take your job but you don't have one


26.)  Well, said! Then again, I don’t know. He could be pregnant.Well said! ~ funny signs, protest trolls, pro life pregnant westboro baptist


27.)  A little Vitamin C and Folic Acid wouldn’t hurt, either.Everyone needs potassium ~ funny signs, protest trolls, preacher banana suit


28.).  You only hurt the one you love.
You only hurt the one you love! ~ funny signs, protest trolls, pornography harms my wrist


29.)  Seems simple enough.
I second that! ~ funny signs, protest trolls, want more tortillas when I order fajitas


30.)  This one just may be the best sign yet.
Marvelous! ~ funny signs, protest trolls, homo sex is sensational, westboro baptist church


31.)  Maybe she should try needlepoint.
Strange indeed ~ protest trolling, funny signs, weird hobby, pro choice pro life


32.)  True dat, trolls.
If your beliefs fit on a sign, think harder, funny signs, trolling protests


33.)  Ya know, I tend to agree with her.
They actually are. ~ funny signs, protest trolling

sources: EMGN, Sad & Useless, Issue Hawk, et al

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