32 Funny Memes & Pics to Add Some Crazy Cheer to Your Day

Your lit, wacky dump of comical pics, funny memes and inspirational madness for the sick and twisted minds of goofballs like you. Why resort to ordinary attempts at humor when you can douse yourself in this bizarre collection of comical oddities? Who really knows. We sure don’t.

Silly Pics. Funny Memes. Just Plum Oddball Weirdness.


crazy puppy dog face pants


Funny memes of dog wrapped in towel. When you wake up from a nap looking for food.


Funny family birthday photo. Girls blowing out candle. Brother pointing a toy gun at her.


Hilarious perfectly timed snap of cat in from of TV with man eating with chopsticks, funny pictures


Funny inappropriate children book ~ This is Peter...


Vintage Billboard Beautiful Funeral $49.50 1940s


Awesome backyard Groot tree swing


Funny Groot tree roots humping tree


Funny Memes, girls dressed like princess, when you want to throat punch somebody but you getting' right with the Lord


Great dog tattoo by Ahmet Combaz


Sylvester Stallone ~ First Blood Miami ~ 1980s VHS movie box,


Funny Senior Quotes ~ High school was easy. It was like riding a bike. Excepth the bike was on fire... yearbook


Why I don't ride public transportation ~ Man on subway with plant head


Vintage Vanilla Ice Electronic Rap Game, Beat Box 1990s


I detect a pattern here... ~ Funny Name Fails ~ Student Affairs Office ~ Mr.s Sexton, Mrs. Dickey, Mr. Houle


Weird men's fashion fail - runway model


Funny signs, from of tour bus, Penis Touristic Company


Inspirational signs: Thanksgiving ~ I stuffed the turkey with Xananx


Funny ham sandwich that looks like a naked woman, butt


Inspirational Sayings: "Smonday: The moment when Sunday stops feeling like Sunday and the anxiety of Monday kicks in.


Vintage ad of kids dressed as astronauts with laser guns. 1950s


Funny Texts ~ Hello, This is Andrew..


"Meh... Whatever..." ~Funny women jumping on beach. One drinking.


Funny Donald Trump, 1980s in bank vault holding awful of cash money


Funny housewife memes ~ I hate being bipolar. It's awesome!


Funny this is f-ing delicious oven mitt


Creepy 1970s stock photo of man in gladiator sweater, speedo and holding a frisbee


Vintage Christmas ad for Sampson Foldaway Furniture, folding chairs, card table. The most welcomed family got you can give.


Handicapped wheelchair accessible starts fail. That's just cruel funny meme


Human Tears bottled water. Enjoy the salty goodness of human suffering! Stay crydrated!


Vintage 1950s sales ad for pork featuring housewives holding meat


Free Apologies from an American Booth. Funny Stuff!
sources: Banana, Ufunk, eBaum’s, et al

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