15 Best Gifs of the Week from Funniest to Fails

It’s time to get your giggle on with some of the very best gifs we found on the interweb this week. Yep, they sure are funny, yet a few could be classified as creepy, weird or just downright fails. Just know this, you’r boring day is about to be infringed upon by a dose of hilarious random humor that is just plain dope. Or made for dopey dopes like us. Speaking of Dopey, ever wonder why he doesn’t speak?

The Best Gifs in Life are Free



15 Funny Gifs Best of the Week ~ boy tosses rock breaks video camera



15 Funny Gifs Best of the Week creepy double jointed hand



15 Funny Gifs Best of the Week ~ sliding down railing nails it



15 Funny Gifs Best of the Week ~ sliding down railing wipe out fail



15 Funny Gifs Best of the Week ~ surprise



15 Funny Gifs Best of the Week ~ Sistine Chapel bros handshake God



15 Funny Gifs Best of the Week ~ dad pushed soccer goalie down to block shot



15 Funny Gifs Best of the Week ~ dog ice cream freak out



15 Funny Gifs Best of the Week ~ hockey player massage rub out innuendo



15 Funny Gifs Best of the Week



15 Funny Gifs Best of the Week ~ security can fail



15 Funny Gifs Best of the Week ~ dog toss fail drop



15 Funny Gifs Best of the Week ! policeman tosses soccer ball pops on fence



15 Funny Gifs Best of the Week ~ close call truck bike crash

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