Funny Signs of the Times
Weird, Funny Signs. They’re everywhere if you really look. But, if you lack the inclnation to observe those around you, here’s a new hilarious pic dump of some of the craziest. Sure, many are lost in translation or just bad English and that’s, well, expected. However, there’s a whole comical bunch filled with fails that’ll leave you shaking your head with the vigor of a soaking wet labrador retriever after a bath. So, take a gander and enjoy a warm smile generated by knowing that there are people out there who are lazier and stupider than you and I.
1. Perhaps more evidence of climate change?
2. That’s what she said.
3. Break the law! Win a prize!
4. Makes sense.
5. But is it windy when the wind blows?
6. And now, an important message from your passive-aggressive coworker…
7. But it feels so good.
8. Where?
9. An example of being subtly racist.
10. Is this sign on someone’s pool or driveway?
11. I found Nirvana.
12. You’d be surprised by how many people need to be told this.
13. I believe that this is Rudolph Giuliani’s firm.
14. That’d explain the headaches.
15. For those who believe that microwave ovens speed up the time continuum…
16. And now, the latest in birth control…
17. Unfortunately, all the pages are glued together.
18. But chin up my friends. Shooting, hanging, stoning, beheading or disembowling is fully permitted.
19. That explains why I keep thinking it’s cold outside.
20. No copyright infringement here.
21. The sky is blue, the grass is green…
22. Finally! Someone had the nerve to say it!
23. I don’t know. It could be some sort of new ergonomic design.
24. A reminder to those who lost their moral compass at Boy Scout camp.
25. Vodka always makes me wanna dance.
26. Comes with your choice beverageless beverage.
27. Truth in Advertising.
28. Thanks!
29. Sorry, but no one can fix me.
30. Sorry, but I particularly find that hole much easier to hit.
31. That’s a mighty big job for a temporary move.
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