Let’s face it. Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, there are just way too many stupid people who shouldn’t be allowed to post. And don’t get us started in Tindr! But in some sort of sad way, they make us feel better about ourselves. Yes, we all make typos or are guilty of posting dumb things. But this batch of funny morons take social media stupidity too a whole new level! Just like…
1. This woman who committed salon suicide.
2. Is that like the Hamiton version of Queen?
3. Tried one. Gave me heartburn. Had to take an antonym acid.
4. Don’t even know where to begin with this one.
5. She doesn’t get out much.
6. Wasn’t Barry the Hatchet a mafia hitman in the 1970s?
7. Well, if the site she checked was propa, then…
8. Things all changed for after getting sore on her lip in herpetology.
9. A hunka hunka distinctly burrnin’ luve.
10. Wait until this genius tries a pineapple!
11. Beware of the sauce.
12. What is it about food that makes the brain stupid???
13. Where for art thou?
14. I bet he’s coffee bean.
15. Or did the terrorist choose 9/11 because of the police number? The world may never know…
16. He must live down under.
17. Dagnabbit. We does think them thar chldruns of yers done need’em a reel teecher.
18. Some things are better left private.
19. Can you say “debt collector?”
20. Yes. Especially when it gets stuck in your teeth.
21. Doh!
22. Sounds like Aaron had got a happy ending.
23. It shouldn’t be this hard.
24. Duh. Just move your oven closer to the sun.
25. I saw Mozart in Philadelphia last month and he was awesome.
26. You will let us know, won’t you?
27. I think it’s time for an intervention. PEZ is a gateway candy.
28. Ibrahim? You fooled me!
29. Maybe you should avoid drinking altogether.
30. You should have quit after the 1nd time.
31. The virtues of a third-grade education.
32. Way down south in the land of tea & crumpets…
33. Didn’t Antartica elect a new president?
34. Neither do we.

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