Sarah Shook & the Disarmers ~ Great Songs of the Day

Sarah Shook & The Disarmers

“Damned If I Do, Damned If I Don’t”

Welcome to a new feature here on Team Jimmy Joe – Songs of the Day. We thought it might be fun to start sharing our favorite songs from our eclectic  music playlists a few times a week – outlaw country music, rock, cowpunk, ska, R&B, soul and probably whole lotta drinking songs.

Stuff we’ve been listening to for years. Some we’ve just stumbled upon. Songs we hope fire ya up, make ya think or cry. Make ya laugh, feel good, and mostly, crank up the headphones and sing along.

So… here we go. We’re kicking off the first Songs of the Day with “Damned if I Do, Damned if I Don’t” by Sarah Shook & the Disarmers from their 2018 album Years. Some call’em cowpunk. We call’em more old school with an outlaw edge.

Based in North Carolina and on Bloodshot Records, Sarah Shook was raised in a fundamentalist Christian family where she was only allowed to listen to classical music and worship music. She’s definitely seen some shit and now has something to say. So okay, enough of our ramblings. Crank up Sarah and her talented band of Disarmers.

And feel free to comment and make suggestions. Just scroll way down to the Show Comments section at the bottom.  Thanks for listening and enjoy!




Songs of the Day ~Sarah Shook & The Disarmers "Damned If I Do, Damned If I Don't"

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