STEPHDIES Anti-Selfies Celebrate Life by Dying in Famous Places
Morbid? Hilarious? Both? You be the judge. This thought-provoking and oddly funny photo series from performance artist Stephanie Leigh Rose entitled: STEPHDIES is what she calls, “anti-selfies.” Instead of flashing a peace sign and duck lips in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, she strives “to get back to the roots of what a photograph was intended to be – a captured moment in time.”
Her dying in front of these famous landmarks and curious settings is more than a discussion of mortality. She says, “I go about my normal day, and if there happens to be a moment or a place I happen to find particularly provoking, I will take a STEFDIES photo. That is the beauty of this series, each photo is just a blip in a day… tangible physical proof that “I was here.”
Best of all, she got to visit all these cool bucket list places before she actually croaks!
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