45 Funny Pics: How People Are Coping With Coronavirus

Funny Pics, Real People

How People Around the World Are Dealing With the CoronaVirus

How ya’ll hanging in there? Seriously. We hope you’re all healthy, happy and safe. It’s okay if this crazy coronavirus has you a bit stressed. We’re all feeling it, and in a variety of ways. So how about a little humor to bring a little levity to it all? Enjoy this dump of funny pics of people giving the middle finger to that nasty COVID-19. As you will see, people are coping with the coronavirus on their terms. While it really isn’t a laughing matter, a little laughter and headshaking in the midst of it all may help lower your cabin fever a degree or two.

And let’s make sure we all give a big shout out and thanks to all the heroic healthcare workers who are battling on the front lines!


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