35 New York Hipsters & Other Fashion Fail Follies

Funny Pics, Funny Hipsters, Humans of New York

We just done found us a new funny Instagram account to follow — @hipsters_of_ny. This funky and fresh Instagram is always camera ready to capture the latest in hipster fashions found roaming the subway, shops and streets of New York City. These people of NYC (and definitely not the Bronx) take the meaning of hipsters to a higher plain of hipsterism. You’ll also enjoy some pretty darn funny tweets, vegan humor, other fashion fails and disasters, and a slew of iPhone video of the oddball life around the Big Apple. Hipsters of New York is a good two thumbs up follow. Check out below just some of the funny pics of hipsters and Humans of New York (HONY).


Funny hipster photos fashion fails humans of new york city


Introducing the Amish of New York.

funny pics Amish hipsters hony humans of new york


A HONY of a Hipster Handmaid.
Funny hipster fashion disasters handmaid's tale hony humans of new york


When hipsters go Madhatter.
hipster fashion fails steam punk alice in wonderland humans of new york hony


Just way too much to absorb here.
New York fashion fails disasters old man mannequin fur face hony


A little Bird Box… A little singing telegram delivery.
People of new York hipster fashions humans of new york


If the mayor from A Nightmare before Christmas and Marilyn Manson had a baby.
People of New York fashion fails humans of new york


People of NYC funny hipster fashions humans of new york hony


When you return from deer camp in Upstate New York only to find it’s unseasonably warm in the city.
People of new york fashion fails woman with deer head in bra, humans of new york hony


The daughter of Axl Rose sleeping one off on the way to Coney Island.
funny subway pics, people of new york fashion fails axl rose


When you finished your shift as a maitre ‘d but now have to get to the Von Heinrich’s farm to milk the cows.
Hipster fashion fails lederhosen sock suspenders, humans of new york hony


Looks like someone’s smuggling a couple of avocados in that onesie!
Funny subway pics, man in onesie jump suit see his junk fashion fails, humans of new york hony


People of NYC fashion disasters humans of new york hony


Phone, water and denim. Let’s get back to the essentials.
denim fashions, hipsters of New York humans of new york hony


He tried carrying his turntable but couldn’t keep his Neutral Milk Hotel record from skipping.
NYC hipsters, humans of new york hony fashion fails


NYC fashion disaster fails hipsters humans of new york hony


My Granda has those drapes.
funny subway pics, humans of new york hony, public transportation


When you can’t decide if you should take the hot air balloon around the word or just go home and watch Atlantis: The Lost Empire again.
Hipsters of New York fashion disaster fails, humans of new york hony


Zach from Ghost Adventures on his day off?
NY Hipster fashions humans of new york hony


I might be wrong but I think his head could be a knock off.
Funny NY subway pics, fashion fails humans of new york hony


New York City Hipsters on the street, new fashions, humans of new york hony


A fashion decision that was made in just 3 minutes.
funny pics man dressed in ramen noodles pants and shirt fashion fails, humans of new york hony


funny public transportation bus subway humans of new york hony fashion fails


Who knew I Deam of Jeannie pants came in pink?
ny hipsters fashion disasters fails humans of new york hony


When your fear of falling has gone too far.
funny pics man dressed in pillows humans of new york hony


When you’re waiting for your Uber to take you back to 1916 where you worked as a golf caddy.
Hipster fashion, man in knickers ny hipster humans of new york hony


Yukata be kidding…
blue haired man dressed in Japanese kimono fashion fail humans of new york hony


The dynamic of this pic is wonderful… Please comment and add your own story!
funny subway pics charlie chaplain humans of new york hony


ny hipsters fashion humans of new york hony


When your mom knits you an adorable jumpsuit out of leftover yarn and you wear it out because you don’t want to disappoint her.
fashion disasters pink knitted jumpsuit humans of new york hony


When you’ve spent the day shopping but suddenly realize you’re still wearing your bathrobe.
funny fashion humor man in bathrobe, humans of new york hony


The answer to, “How many ways can one ensemble clash?”
fashion fails wardrobe clashes, humans of new york hony


funny fashion fails, humans of new york hony


Funny subway pics public transportation, humans of new york hony


“You’re gonna make it after alllll….”
funny hipster fashion, humans of new york hony
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