Ready for some nutty funny pics & memes?
Sit back and enjoy our new dump of funny memes and crazy, cool pics. Why not? What else ya gotta do? Well, there is that thing called “work” and taking care of your kids… or your dog… or whatever it is you do to appear responsible. That’s fine. We surely understand. But ya know, sharin’ a laugh or three of a post of random humor never hurt no one. Keeps ya young. Keeps ya spry, ya know? It’s your delicious recipe for a long and fruitful life. So eat it up. Devour the hilarious memes and other oddities. So, are ya ready? Here ya go…
Me at the bar last night when I was handed my tab.
Anyone besides me know of a gaggle of peeps who should head straight to the library to pick up a copy or two of this useful “How to…”?
Wow. That there cat has an evil twin in Jeff Bezos.
Every job interview I’ve ever had.
Must’ve been hangin’ around that Drew Barrymore a little too much.
I bet her name is Karen.

And last but surely not least…
Want more?
Hey, there. again. Thanks for stoppin’ by. Stick around and click through some other funny stuff on this here site. There are plenty of rabbit holes to fall into. And even more to share. And oh, if you’re a music lover, ya’ll get a big kick in the drawers out of this post of some of the Worst Album Covers ever! Rock on, folks! Rock on…
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