When the Ink Dries: 13 More Bad Tattoos

Oh No You Didn’t Oh Yes You Did!

Ever wonder what gets inside some peoples’ head? Well, we know what gets under their skin… Bad Tattoos! In fact, here’s a small example of the millions of ugliest, worst tats that are roaming our planet. WTF were they thinking?… We may never know.


Hmmmmmm…. BAD!

Portrait Hat Thinking – Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Awkward Stupid Ugliest Nasty Tats WTF Funny


Ol’ Ben Franklin is lookin’ a wee bit Chipmunky.

Ben Franklin – Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Awkward Stupid Ugliest Nasty Tats WTF Funny


Loylaty? Did she mean “Loyalty”? No, I’m pretty sure Loylaty is her name.

Loyalty on Chest – Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Awkward Stupid Ugliest Nasty Tats WTF Funny


“I Shan’t Return…”

Once You Go Black Africa – Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Awkward Stupid Ugliest Nasty Tats WTF Funny


What remote is that?

Video Game Remote – Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Awkward Stupid People Nasty Tats WTF Funny


$7.98 well spent.

Ugly Face – Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Awkward Stupid People Nasty Tats WTF Funny


Funny… I always pictured Jesus to be more of a Skittles guy.

Jesus Mentos – Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Awkward Stupid Ugliest Nasty Tats WTF Funny


I think he meant “Illuminati”.

Illusionati Illuminati – Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Awkward Stupid Ugliest Nasty Tats WTF Funny


Ouch! That had to hurt to the 3rd power!

Freat Scarification – Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Awkward Stupid Ugliest Nasty Tats WTF Funny


Upside down candles? Lipstick? You be the judge…

Bullets – Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Awkward Stupid Ugliest Nasty Tats WTF Funny


That’s charming.

Devil Dog – Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Awkward Stupid Ugliest Nasty Tats WTF Funny


Don’t we all?

I Fart Butterflies – Bad Tattoos America's Worst Tattoos Regrettable Awkward Stupid Ugliest Nasty Tats WTF Funny

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  1. Adam April 11, 2016

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