Oh No You Didn’t Oh Yes You Did!
Ever wonder what gets inside some peoples’ head? Well, we know what gets under their skin… Bad Tattoos! In fact, here’s a small example of the millions of ugliest, worst tats that are roaming our planet. WTF were they thinking?… We may never know.
Hmmmmmm…. BAD!
Ol’ Ben Franklin is lookin’ a wee bit Chipmunky.
Loylaty? Did she mean “Loyalty”? No, I’m pretty sure Loylaty is her name.
“I Shan’t Return…”
What remote is that?
$7.98 well spent.
Funny… I always pictured Jesus to be more of a Skittles guy.
I think he meant “Illuminati”.
Ouch! That had to hurt to the 3rd power!
Upside down candles? Lipstick? You be the judge…
That’s charming.
Don’t we all?
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One Response
Can’t believe some of those tattoos lol the one remote one is a xbox 360 just so u know though. I’m a die hard gamer but fuck i would never think about gettin that still lol