19 Creepy Weird Toys for Kids

Disturbingly Strange Toys


1. Ever wonder where a horse gets its tail?
Creepy Weird Kids Toys ~ My Pretty Pony Doll Head Tail Creepy Weird Kids Toys ~ My Pretty Pony Doll Head Tail


2. Harry Potter & The One Pink Hand.
Creepy Weird Kids Toys ~ Pink Hand Harry Potter


3. Is it a bird? Is it short bus? No! It’s Specialman!
Creepy Weird Kids Toys ~ special man superman


4. Teletubby Phone has seen some shit.
Creepy Weird Kids Toys ~ telly tubby phone has seen some shitCreepy Weird Kids Toys ~ telly tubby phone has seen some shitCreepy Weird Kids Toys ~ telly tubby phone has seen some shit


5. “My name is Robert. But you can call me Bob Cop.”
weird disturbing kids toys robo cop


6. “Just kill me.”

Creepy Weird Kids Toys ~ Scary Crabbie Doll


7. Yep. Doesn’t look like a penis one bit.

Creepy Weird Kids Toys ~ Bubble Wand Penis


8. Iceberg-bot sold separately.

Creepy Weird Kids Toys ~ Titanicbot


9. Because the name “Woody” wasn’t suggestive enough.

Creepy Weird Kids Toys ~ Suggestive Woody


10.  A throwback to the good ol’ days when dolls looked like they legitimately wanted to murder you in your sleep.

Creepy Weird Kids Toys ~ scary dolls


11.  Spiderman, Spiderman. Your friendly hung Spiderman.

Creepy Weird Kids Toys ~ spiderman balloon penis


12. Because who doesn’t want to role play TSA airport security?

Creepy Weird Kids Toys ~ Playmobil TSA Airport Security


13. Repeat: This is not a dildo.

Creepy Weird Kids Toys ~ E.T. Finger Dildo Creepy Weird Kids Toys ~ E.T. Finger Dildo


14. Puberty hits hard and heavy in Japan.

weird disturbing kids toys shave baby


15. I saw the face of god and it was weeping.

Creepy Weird Kids Toys ~ Vintage Organ Piano Baby


16. Re-live the teeth-pulling fun of the dentist with this drill’n’fill Play-Doh set. Novocaine sold separately.

weird disturbing kids playdoh drill'n'fill dentist


17. There’s a reason good ol’ Jolly was featured in the movie Poltergeist.

Creepy Weird Kids Toys ~ Jolly Monkey Cymbals


18. Just put your lips together and blow.
Creepy Weird Kids Toys ~ Wolverine Blow Up Penis


19. And finally, Russian roulette. FOR KIDS!

Creepy Weird Kids Toys ~ Russian Roulette

source: buzzfeed

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