It’s Back to School with 47 of the Best Teacher Memes!

The Best Teacher Memes that Earn an A+

This hilarious dump of the Best Teacher Memes goes out to all my teacher buds, especially my wife. She’s an elementary school music teacher so she sees every rotten kid in the school every week! I know she can relate to every one of these funny teacher memes – especially #7 and #35!

While parents are celebrating the joy of sending their little angels back to school, teachers are lamenting. Summer break is over and now they head back to the stress of low salaries, buying their own school supplies, and dealing with crazy kids and just as crazy, unappreciative parents and guardians.

Luckily, most teachers I know have a great sense of humor (and a steady hand on that evening bottle of vino). So, c’mon all you wonderful teachers throughout the world. Scroll through these relatable teacher memes and have a laugh on us!


1.47 of the  Best Great Teacher Memes ~ last day of summer vacation


2.47 of the  Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ perception reality


3.47 of the  Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ will die without coffee


4.47 of the  Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ embarrassing moments, mispronounced organism


5.447 of the  Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ lunch room duty


6.47 of the  Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ night before going back to school


7.47 of the  Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ worst behaved student, younger siblings


8.47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ broken laminator
9.47 of the  Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ worst period


10.47 of the  Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ seating charts


11.47 of the  Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ beginning and end of school year


12.47 of the  Best Great Teacher Memes ~ you get a cold Oprah


13.47 of the Funny, Best Teacher Memes ~ can't have children, every baby name reminds her of a kid who drove her crazy


14.47 of the  Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ grading papers face


15.47 of the  Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ fart next to students, teacher pranks


16.47 of the Funny, Best Teacher Memes 47 of the  Best Great Teacher Memes


17.47 of the  Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ a pretty good day, no one threw up or cried


18.47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ when you see your students parents over the weekend


19.47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ sit and be quiet


20.47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes


21.47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ headaches, migraines chart


22.47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ email from that parent
23.47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes ~ Moral of Breaking Bad, poor salaries, pay teachers more
24.47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ are you bleeding or dying?
25.47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes
26.47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ sarcasm
27.47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ chuckle, bad kids
28.47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes s ~ teaching supplies


29.47 of the Funny, Best Teacher Memes ~ mourning your absence
30.47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ stressful
31.47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes
32.47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes


33.47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ financial planning for retirement


34.47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ if you can read this, bad handwriting


35.47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ crazy answers
47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ annoying students, water bottle flip
37.Is my teaching interrupting you? ~ 47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes
38.47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes s ~ Final Exam


39.Overcrowded classroom ~ 47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes


40.47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ looking at news to see if school's gonna be closed, snow day


41.Mental Breakdown ~47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes


42.47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ teacher's fault


43.47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ when all three trouble makers are absent


44.47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ Children's attention when a prize is introduced


45.47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes  ~ just explained directions
46.47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes ~ hanging on teacher with questions
47.47 of the Best Great Teacher Memes ~ effort vs. salary
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