Awkward Christmas, Awkward Family Pictures
Hilarious Awkward Family Christmas Photos from Days Best Forgotten
It’s time to flip through another album of cherished Christmas and holiday memories. Oh, what fun it is to laugh and sing at hilarious awkward Christmas photos. These vintage pics from the 50s to almost modern day are the perfect gift this holiday season. While so many people try to recreate awkwardly funny pictures of their annual holiday cards, you can’t top the real thing! Share in the humor and maybe a bad, creepy Santa will bring you something extra special this year.
Though Kelly wanted Rudolph’s leg for Christmas, Dasher’s leg was just as good.
Don’t imagine that’s frankincense sense in Kevin’s bong, do you?
We all had to admire Santa’s new hourglass figure this year.
These kids look like their one scotch away from snapping and unleashing a reign of terror across the neighborhood.
What every woman wants for Christmas. Some things never change.
See… there’s that perfect gift of a vacuum cleaner once again.
If you think this vintage Santa’s a wee bit creepy…
Ahhhh! Scarred for life!
Doesn’t appear the tree’s the only thing getting lit this year.
Gary just couldn’t decide whether he wanted to go fishing or shopping.
Nothing’s more embarrassing than when dad hugs you in his pajamas.
For those who’ve ever wondered what Santa would look like with bangs.
Even on Christmas morning dad just couldn’t even.
Unfortunately, little Tommy’s boa constrictor died shortly before the annual family Christmas card photo was taken.
One more giant glass of whiskey for mommy and daddy just might get that gift he desperately wanted every year.
Oh, the things we do to bring joy to our children during the holidays.
Can’t forget our four-legged furry children.
While the boys receive the usual utilitarian gifts, Sharon got something totally impractical, a real, live baby.
“What’s in the box, Karen? What’s in the booooox?!?”
Todd’s joy was overwhelming.
When your company forgets to hire a Santa for the holiday party and pulls one in off the street at the last second.
ERMAHGERD! Aunt Maggie’s just revealed where she hides her Christmas package!
If Chucky and “Child’s Play” was a vintage Christmas movie…
If you stare at the ladies’ dresses long enough, you’ll see a secret message.
All Colin could think was how Patty only gave him socks for Christmas.
I swear the girl on the left is Eleven from “Stranger Things.”
Dad humor that no one should have to endure.
Looks like someone couldn’t wait to see Santa.
No one could argue the Conroy’s gift for decorating.
Yes, too many candy canes can land you in a sugar coma.
Modeling your holiday lingerie at the VFW hall never makes for an awkward Christmas.
Lucky for Susan, flashing the gang sign for the Bloods won’t land you on the naughty list.
Have a rockin’, thumbs-up Christmas, y’all!
Enjoy more Funny Awkward Family Christmas Photos!
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