25 of the Worst Product Names Ever!

On Sale Now! Funny Product Names That Shouldn’t Be!

Dumbfounded! That’s what I am over 25 of the Worst Product Names Ever! Granted many are Lost in Translation. But, criminy!  Ain’t you ever heard of research? Focus groups? Hiring a real translator? These funny names for food & drink, books, everyday household items and such are just awful… But damn funny!


I reckon when yer in Ghana… ya go with what ya got.

Pee Cola funny names funny productsThe worst product names ever! Bad proucts, funny awfl fail names for soda pop cola


Puke and Only Puke. No additives. No artificial chunks. Just 100% pure bonafide Puke.

Only Puke funny names funny products funny food The worst product names ever! Bad proucts, funny awfl fail names for Puke Only. Awkward!


WARNING:  May cause yeast infections in some consumers.

Jussipussi funny names, worst names funny foodThe worst product names ever! Bad proucts, funny awfl fail names . Bad bread. rolls


Coming Soon: My Mom’s Buttery Nipples.

My Dad's Nutz nuts funny names funny signs The worst product names ever! Bad proucts, funny awflu fail names. Dad's Nuts. Nutz


This would be great for me. My sculptures come out pretty shitty.

Clay Modeling With Pooh funny books funny names The worst product names ever! Bad proucts, funny awful fail names for Winnie the Pooh, Pooh bear



What you get after a bad night of Twerking…

Booty Goo funny names signs The worst product names ever! Bad proucts, funny awful fail names for diapers, butt, ass tattoos, booty call,


…What you get after a bad night with the Booty Goo girl.

Spotted Dick Funny names signs funny food The worst product names ever! Bad proucts, funny awful fail names for sponge pudding, spotted dick


…and for dessert, I’ll have the Baked Geriatric ala mode.

Senior in Sauce funny foods funny names signs The worst product names ever! Bad proucts, funny awful fail names for sauce


Here, kitty, kitty…

My big book of pretty pussies funny names funny books signsThe worst product names ever! Bad proucts, funny awful fail names for pretty pussies, cat books


Quenches thirst faster than lickin’ a Labrador after it’s been runnin’ all night.

Pet sweat funny names bad names funny signsThe worst product names ever! Bad proucts, funny awful fail names for pet sweat, pets, animal products, dogs


Did you wash?

Nut kiss funny names signs candy The worst product names ever! Bad products, funny awful fail names for Candy bars nut kiss


What ya get when a genius comes outta the closet.

Mr Brain's Pork Faggots funny names funny foods funny signs stupid crazyThe worst product names ever! Bad products, funny awful fail names for


For those who prefer tea over Pee Cola…

Urinal Hot Drink tea funny names funny foods signs The worst product names ever! Bad products, funny awful fail names for tea, hot drinks, urinal


I can’t do it. But Mr. Brains can!

Poke a Bone funny names funny games sexual innuendos stupid funny products toys The worst product names ever! Bad products, funny awful fail names for pke a bone, kid's games


I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter:  The Yoda Edition:  “Butter, It’s Not”

Butter It's Not funny names funny foods signs The worst product names ever! Bad products, funny awful fail names for butter, I can't believe it's not butter


Goes great with Pope’s Toe Pie.

bishop's finger funny names The worst product names ever! Bad products, funny awful fail names for ber, lager, drinks


What you get when Lil John and Three 6 Mafia play at a nudist colony.

Crunky Ball Nude funny names funny foods signs The worst product names ever! Bad products, funny awful fail names for Crunky Ball Nude candy


For your safety… Please remain behind the yellow line.

TNT Golden Shower Fountain funny names fireworks signs foods The worst product names ever! Bad products, funny awful fail names for fireworks, golden showers


So yer sayin’ there’s no real cock in it? Just the flavourin’ of cock? How much more for the real stuff?

Cock Flavored Soup Mix funny foods funny names signs The worst product names ever! Bad products, funny awful fail names for cock soup


So what do you do when you burn dinner?  Make it into biscuits and send it to China.

Burnedmeat flavor biscuits funny names funny foods signsThe worst product names ever! Bad products, funny awful fail names for burned meat biscuits


Ya don’t really eat these mints… Ya just imagine you do.

Mental mints funny names funny foods candy The worst product names ever! Bad products, funny awful fail names for candy, mentl mints



The worst product names ever! Bad products, funny awful fail names for funny names lost in translation baby rape


So it’s in a pretty bag… it’s heavy… crunches when I squeeze it… Oh! Colon!

Colon funny names funny foods signs The worst product names ever! Bad products, funny awful fail names for colon


Terrifying Disinfectant… it rapes, it burns, it pillages the villages of household germs…

Terror cleaning disinfectant funny names signs foods The worst product names ever! Bad products, funny awful fail names for disenfectant, household cleaners, clorox


…and Voila! I am outta here!

Shit Begone funny products funny names signs The worst product names ever! Bad products, funny awful fail names for toilet pper, shit be gone


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