From bad English and lost in translation to just plain stupidity, oh, and a couple city planners with a crazy sense of humor, take a gander at more:
Funny Signs of the Times
1.) It’s gotta be 5 o’clock somewhere.
2.) Welcome to Over Easy Street.
3.) At least he’s a polite evil baby. “Alsjeblieft” means “please” in Dutch.
4.) Close enough.
5.) I wouldn’t go back there. Do I hear banjos?
6.) The cheapest thrill in town.
7.) I think I’ll just go outside.
8.) That’s hilarious! I think I’m going to walk around work all day mumbling that over and over.
9.) Wow, that’s a little harsh, wouldn’t you say?
10.) Yes, slow… nice and slooooow…
11.) The Harris Teeter sale that’s keeping two places in business.
12.) No thanks. I can get it just fine from coworkers.
13.) How much for a cute one?
14.) Apparently, a group of radical dressmakers threatened to take over Lowndes County, GA.
15.) Scavenger hunts of the inner city…
16.) Wow, that’s convenient. They use to keep them buried in the crawlspace.
17.) At least they’re honest.
18.) Damn, that’s cold.
19.) A reflection of our judicial system?
20.) What happens in that bathroom stays in that bathroom.
21.) Nice apples.
22.) How many times do ya think this picture has been taken?
23.) You. Yes, you! Hey! That means you!
24.) Awesome name, even funnier that it has GPS tracking. How many time do ya think the local po-po has tracked it to a drunk teenager’s bedroom?
25.) How a little spacing can make all the difference.
26.) God bless the public school system.
27.) I second that.
28.) What the cluck?
29.) For eating on the go.
30.) If you’re into that sort of thing…
31.) Just thought you should know…
32.) So much for subtleties.
33.) Wish my cows could follow directions like that.
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