Bad Tattoos: #498: Crappity Doo Dah!! That Stinks!

Bad Tattoos: #498:

Holy Shit is right!!!  High-time yer mamma wacked you good updside the head with a broom handle!

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If ya have to git a bad tattoo… Git somethin’ like this… At least it’s right twice a day!

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Team Jimmy Joe does not endorse the use of fecal matter in tattoos. Placing angel wings on fecal matter does not make it holy. The use of turds, poop, animal droppings, do-do and other forms of fecal matter in bad tattoos can lead to dysentery, unattractiveness, shunning by the Amish and being chased by dogs that like to eat poop. However, if you are working towards your Doctorate Degree in Stupidity, have at it.

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