Bad Tattoos: 16 Headscratchin’ Disasters

More Terribly Bad Tattoos

What do ya get when you cross the worst tattoo ideas with horrible artistry?… Why, Bad Tattoos from Team Jimmy Joe of course!  Put your eye on this new batch of funny inkings and stupid ideas! These horrible babies will leave ya in stitches… Literally… ‘Cuz ya just might fall out of your chair.


Homemade Tattoos while you wait…

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Pickle or Peanut?

Beat that thing pickle guitar Funny Tattoos regrettable bad tattoos terrible awful ugliest tattoos wtf tattoos, horrible tattoos awkward family photos america's worst tattoos photos crazy people weird people stupid humor redneck humor


What the hell is that? A pizza cutter???

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What do you get if you cross Obama with The Joker?

Bad Barack Obama Tattoo looks like Joker Funny Tattoos regrettable bad tattoos terrible awful ugliest tattoos wtf tattoos, horrible tattoos awkward family photos america's worst tattoos photos crazy people weird people stupid humor redneck humor


Never Forgive… Never Forget… Never Take Your Shirt Off…

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What will you be when you hit Twenty?

I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby Funny Tattoos regrettable bad tattoos terrible awful ugliest tattoos wtf tattoos, horrible tattoos awkward family photos america's worst tattoos photos crazy people weird people stupid humor redneck humor


Why the Turds behind her name?

Madeleine and claw marks on back Funny Tattoos regrettable bad tattoos terrible awful ugliest tattoos wtf tattoos, horrible tattoos awkward family photos america's worst tattoos photos crazy people weird people stupid humor redneck humor


The Cheesiest tattoo ever.

Kraft Mac'n'Chees on leg Funny Tattoos regrettable bad tattoos terrible awful ugliest tattoos wtf tattoos, horrible tattoos awkward family photos america's worst tattoos photos crazy people weird people stupid humor redneck humor


Your Dad was a pumpkin?

Dad Pumpkin Funny Tattoos regrettable bad tattoos terrible awful ugliest tattoos wtf tattoos, horrible tattoos awkward family photos america's worst tattoos photos crazy people weird people stupid humor redneck humor


Love Me Down 2 Barbed Wire?… Is that like a secret code or somethin’?

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LARP NARP Zyborg Muscles Funny Tattoos regrettable bad tattoos terrible awful ugliest tattoos wtf tattoos, horrible tattoos awkward family photos america's worst tattoos photos crazy people weird people stupid humor redneck humor


Now she’s one to take home to Momma!

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Baby with spear through it ole knife Funny Tattoos regrettable bad tattoos terrible awful ugliest tattoos wtf tattoos, horrible tattoos awkward family photos america's worst tattoos photos crazy people weird people stupid humor redneck humor


Nice eyebrows.

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Soon as she let’s go of that boob, ol’ Chuck Atlas will be crushed to death under its mighty weight.

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I belive in ya… We all belive.

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Thanks to WTF Tattoos

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