Bad Tattoos: 15 of the Worst Regrettable Disasters

More Bad Tattoos of Regrets & Stupidity

Hold on to yer britches! We got us some more of the worst tattoos ever! Yep, these horrible monstrosities need a wrecking ball taken to them pronto. Dang, stupid is as stupid does! But I’m so grateful all of these knuckleheads with their terrible, bad tattoos ‘cuz it sure gives us all something funny in our day. Enjoy!


Actually, I think that’s quite an improvement for Mylie Cyrus.

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That looks like it hurts.

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Wow.  The tattoo artist was so kind to capture all of her double chins.

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Yep. Shit happens.  And you just proved it.

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Why you should never purchase a “Do It Yourself Home Tattoo Kit”… even if it is on sale.

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How do you highlight an icky belly button?… With a crappy tattoo.

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I’d say that was a might premature. The Detroit Lions record that year was  5 – 11.

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Try explaining that tattoo to your daughter someday.

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That bad tattoo breaks wind.

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Why so formal?

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Nope.  No Regets at All.

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