Unintentionally Funny Books from Real Libraries
Mary Kelly and Holly Hibner are public librarians in Michigan who’ve spent years behind the reference desk. They’ve put together quite an amusing website called Awful Library Books, which contains a hilarious, even sometimes disturbing, collection of library holdings that they’ve stumbled across over the years. Visitors to the site can also make submissions and, of course, comment on these eye-rolling pieces of fine literature. Below are 30 examples of the best books from their site, and yes, they are all very much for real.
Foreword by Mary Kay Letourneau
Author Jerry Baker: One very lonely, lonely man.
That could be taken a few different ways.
Seriously? Ya really think that if you’re attacked that you’ll have the time and free hands to remove your bra to use as a weapon of strangulation?
Fun crafts for the whole family.
Just don’t get it wet. You’ll stink all day.
Where was this book when I was a teen?
Thanks, Doc!
He looks enthused.
Maybe if you had read “Understanding Drugs Alcohol” you wouldn’t be dancing with cats.
Satan is a Chubby Chaser? Who knew?
And I thought we just had to cope with his weight obsession.
Name three of the biggest threats to America…
Oh, grand. Just what I want to stumble across in the parking garage.
File under “Creepers & Stalkers”.
So wrong.
For all those times your taken hostage by a mulleted wanna be 80’s rock star.
Really? The horse couldn’t be named something else like Trigger or Brownie?
Chapter 1: Xanax & Coffee
How to get your ass kicked in high school.
How to get your ass kicked on the prairie.
How to get your ass kicked in Milan.
How to get your ass kicked by old, suburban gangstas.
Careful how you use it. It can be deadly.
Yes, those crazy, amazing leeches.
“Weeeeeeee! Nuclear War!”
Think, think, think, think, think…
Oh, behave!
Perhaps that’s not powdered sugar on them there donuts.
As if the first five editions weren’t enough…
If it won’t teach cats to balance my checkbook, I’m not interested.
It’s all about the technique.
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