23 Places You’d Never Expect to Find a Penis

Proof You Have a Dirty Mind

because seriously, those really aren’t penises

1. Nope, that’s not one erected on that building
Funny, you wouldn't expect to find a penis there ~ building
Accidental Penis


2. Or that on the reincarnation of Johnny The Wad Holmes
Funny, you wouldn't expect to find a penis there ~ squirrel


3. Nor on your cat’s face
Funny, you wouldn't expect to find a penis there ~ cat's face
Accidental Penis


4. Or on your peter peppers
Funny, you wouldn't expect to find a penis there ~ hot peppers
Accidental Penis


5. Not your kid’s Lego collection either
Funny, you wouldn't expect to find a penis there ~ patrick spongebob lego
Accidental Penis


6. Or floating in your public pool
Funny, you wouldn't expect to find a penis there ~ man's head in pool


7. Or that cob on your corn you just shucked
Funny, you wouldn't expect to find a penis there ~ corn on the cob


8. Or that explosive accident
Funny, you wouldn't expect to find a penis there ~ vintage science lab illustration
Accidental Penis


9. And really, that’s just a gummy worm
Funny, you wouldn't expect to find a penis there ~ hairdo gummy
Accidental Penis


10. And that’s not one photobombing Tyler Hoechlin
Funny, you wouldn't expect to find a penis there ~ tyler hoechlin photobomb
Accidental Penis


11. And that’s just a chandelier you don’t want to stand under
Funny, you wouldn't expect to find a penis there ~ chandelier light


12. And that’s just an exciting cartoon on Nick Jr
Funny, you wouldn't expect to find a penis there ~ nickelodion cartoon
Accidental Penis


13.  Nope, that’sTahquitz High School , Hemet CA
Funny, you wouldn't expect to find a penis there ~ google earth
Accidental Penis


14. Ding Dong Avon calling, but no, not penises
Funny, you wouldn't expect to find a penis there ~ avon magazine ad
Accidental Penis


15. And that’s just a Flaming Hot Cheeto
Funny, you wouldn't expect to find a penis there ~ cheat
Accidental Penis


16. And hopefully that’s not one in your girlfriend’s hand
Funny, you wouldn't expect to find a penis there ~ girlfriend's hand
Accidental Penis


17. Or that when you’re pulling money out of the ATM
Funny, you wouldn't expect to find a penis there ~ atm


18.  Or that blob you’re about to plop in your mouth (don’t forget to spit)
Funny, you wouldn't expect to find a penis there ~ toothpaste


19. And that’s not one your sister slipped into
Funny, you wouldn't expect to find a penis there ~ blanket around your girlfriend


20. And that’s not one hanging from the boy on the pizza box
Funny, you wouldn't expect to find a penis there ~ pizza box


21. And that’s not a penis, just a rocket mission
Funny, you wouldn't expect to find a penis there ~ apollo mission illustration
Accidental Penis


22. No, you dope, that’s not a dick, just a bud
Funny, you wouldn't expect to find a penis there ~ pot bud
Accidental Penis


23.  And that’s not… No wait! That is one and right where you would expect to find one!
Funny, you wouldn't expect to find a penis there ~ Urinal
Accidental Penis
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