Dear Editors and Media Buyers… oh, and you guys that hang billboards or lay out newspaper and web pages… Damn! You had one job! What were you thinking? You truly failed with these funny ad placements. And quite frankly, I don’t know who are the worst victims of your shoddy work… babies, McDonald’s, or Jesus!
Hilarious Ad & Headline Fails
1.) When I grow up…
2.) Yep. That’s a Power Move, alright.
3.) The Breakfast of Champions.
4.) I wonder what the down payment is.
5.) It’s time to move out of your mom’s basement.
6.) The true value of the Value Menu.
7.) The real you…
8.) Pretending to be the real you.
9.) Oh, God! Oh, God!
10.) Dang, must be cold on that there bus.
11.) Visit the Land Down Under.
12.) That’s shitty.
13.) Just cruel!
14.) There’s only one way to enter the Boy Scouts…
15,) Oh, God!
16.) Heads up!
17.) Another fine addition to the dollar menu.
18.) When ya gotta go, ya gotta go.
19.) Love thy neighbor, and his cat.
20.) No lifeguard on duty.
21.) Let’s start a cult.
22.) Boom goes the dynamite!
23.) I guess they never saw that coming.
24.) My, that’s reassuring.
25.) The gift that keeps on giving.
26.) Gives a whole new meaning to a “coffee warm-up”.
27.) Player safety always comes first..
28.) Are you okay?
29.) Well, that gets right to the point.
30.) Get down from the pole and get on the pulpit!
31.) The perfect activity for the entire family.
32.) When it’s time for a job change…
33.) Not sure if that qualifies as a thirst quencher.
34.) Woo-Hoo! Like winning the lottery!
35.) Who’d put a contract out on a baby?
36.) It’s time to delete your browser history.
37.) Coke adds life!
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