More Marvelous Memes, Maniacal Pics & Witty Sarcasm
Yep. It’s time to enjoy another comical dump of the freshest memes, funny pics and twisted humor. Think of it as your daily dose of normal in a crazy world full of pop-cultural numbness and over-saturated political ineptitude. Or, it’s just simply the quick, sarcastically refreshing break you need to juice dull and boring day. Heads up, buckaroos. Today may be a grind, but there’s always a can of delightful Vienna Sausages waiting for you at home.
Via Us, Banana, ViaLuck, The Chive, et el.
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One Response
“School bans bags so boy turns up carrying books in a microwave.”
Poor kid. They should have just told him they didn’t want his mum taking him to school.