35 Bitchin’ 70s Mens Fashions Fails

Can You Dig It? Men’s Fashions from the 1970s

 Straight from men’s fashion magazine ads and groovy catalogs like JC Penny and Flagg Bros., these 70s men’s fashions are far out! Add these groovy threads to your wardrobe and you’ll be jivin’, boogie’n, The Man!

h.i.s bell bottoms ~ 35 Bitchin' 1970s Mens Fashions


Nothing makes you feel more manly than a nice, knit belted sweater

Hot Belted Sweaters ~ 35 Bitchin' 1970s Mens Fashions


Get it together with Put Togethers. Are those like Garanimals for men?

Put Togethers ~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions


Wasn’t he in Starsky & Hutch?

Styin' Flagg Bros. ~ 35 Bitchin' 1970s Mens Fashions


This ain’t your father’s underwear.

Groovy Undies ~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions


Make Love. Fix a Car.

His & Her Jump Suits ~ 35 Bitchin' 1970s Mens Fashions


Damn, that dude loves his jumpsuit! Perfect for the easy serial killer!

Fifth Season Jump Suit ~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions


And how dows the Ah Men store take on the Fifth Season? With another creepy bearded stud!

Ah Men ~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions


I love it when your hair matches your sweater.

Groovy Sweaters ~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions



Super Styles from JC Penny ~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions


Gee, you’d think “on your knees” slacks would at least have a zipper.

On Your Knees Slacks ~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions


The Shirt Suit. Of course, I’d wear this. It has a drop seat!

One Piece Shirt Suit ~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions


Actually, I believe these are from the 60s, but boy, Male has just made me excited!

Scene Jeans ~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions


Who needs Drama?!?
Cool Shirts ~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions


Yeah, Polyester! Hey… I think that’s a girl on the far left!

Yeah, Polyester! ~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions


When you’re about to enter the Pimphood, you can always count on JC Penny.

Pimpin Suits ~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions


I don’t recall ever seeing these sharp Palm Spring Suits in the actual Palm Springs.

Pimpin' Palm Springs Suits ~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions


I suspect it was the third leg that helped O.J. get away from Nicole’s pad so secretly.

O.J. Dingo Boots ~ 35 Bitchin'1970s Mens Fashions


I think it’s just fun to say “Nantuk Ombre”. In fact, I’m going to see how many times I can slip it into conversations today.

Nantuck Ombre ~ 35 Bitchin'1970s Mens Fashions


What? What are they looking at?!?

Hip Undies ~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions


Ladies & gentlemen, the circus has come to town.

Madrasas ~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions


Are you ready for your mystery date?

Groovy Leisure Suits ~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions


Dude. Why so serious?

How to Become a Stud ~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions


Hip-eze shorts with special side elastic. Get them off quickly so you’re not coming out on top.

Harris Casuals ~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions


Feathers & Daggers, boys. Feathers & Daggers.

Flagg Bros.~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions


Yes! I’ll buy 2 or 3 ugly sweaters just to get a peep!
Drummond Sweaters Sexist Ad ~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions


Ladies, you’ve found your Bull.

Douglas Bull for Hornes ~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions


Seriously? … I think his grandma crocheted that for him.

Knit Sweaters ~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions


They’re called Horoscope Fun Slacks. I think she knows what’s in his future.

Carsuals ~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions


Straight from the University of  Bomb!

Campus Expressions ~ 35 Bitchin' 1970s Mens Fashions


Greens & Browns & Blazin’, Dude!

~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions


Wow. I think the name of the game here is “Gang Rape”.

Broomstick Slacks ~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions


I don’t think she’s judging his boots.

Nunn Bush Brass Boots ~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions**


Keep on truckin’! Come back soon!

~ 35 Bitchin' 70s Mens Fashions

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  1. Anonymous November 14, 2023
  2. tooill2live February 14, 2020
  3. Duncan Skiles February 24, 2018
    • tooill2live February 14, 2020

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